Three Things to Try When Your Dog Won't Come Inside


Training Tip Alert 🚨🚨🚨

It's time for work and Rover is, once again, impervious to all efforts to get him back inside the house so you can leave. What to do?!

✅Leash him up. This is such a no-brainer, but it really is the best way to ensure your dog will come indoors when you say it’s time. Years ago, I had a boarder who loved to play Keep Away and had zero recall. I do not have time to chase a dog around the backyard when I have appointments to get to. He earned himself on-leash toilet trips.

✅Drop some extra special treats just inside the door on your way out with the dog. When your dog discovers the delicious “surprise” on his way back in, it will build value for coming into the house.

✅Have fun inside. If you always play fetch with the pup outside, but ignore him as soon as you come in (guilty here!), it’s no wonder he’d rather stay outdoors and keep the fun going. Toss the ball a few times as soon as you come inside, so indoors doesn’t automatically mean game-over.


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