How-To Housetrain Your Dog or Puppy

Originally published August 2018; updated August 2023

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Housetraining or potty training accidents are some of the most frustrating problems dog owners face.

It’s a problem that damages your property and takes your time and energy to clean up after. It’s a day-in-day-out headache that often feels impossible to fix.

But it can be fixed!

Here are the three pieces you need to house train your dog or puppy.

#1 Prediction

Prediction makes house training possible. Knowing when your dog needs to toilet means you can get him to the right place at the right time.

  • Adult dogs. When housetraining an adult dog, start by taking him out every hour. This time can be increased to a reasonable degree as he’s successful.

  • Puppies. Puppies have to go out a LOT more often. Start with every 20-30 minutes during the day for an 8 week old puppy. Like adult dogs, you can increase the interval as the pup is successful and as he physically develops bladder control.
    Pro Tip: puppies often need to go out more frequently during play since movement stimulates the bladder and bowels.

#2 Supervision

Supervision happens in two areas:

  • Outdoors. Prediction only works if you know when your dog last toileted and that only happens if you go outside with him and watch him eliminate.

  • Indoors. Keeping an eye on your dog indoors means you can interrupt accidents to take him outside (which also supports prediction). Finding an accident after the fact screws up your prediction.

#3 Reinforcement 

Give your dog extra incentive to do his business outside by feeding him three treats in a row as soon as he finishes. Make sure to do this outside so your dog connects toileting and treats.

More Resources

Check out my companion blog post on 6 common potty training mistakes.

Potty Training for Puppies and Dogs. This Facebook group is an incredible free resource put together by professional dog trainer Stacy Greer. Her Guides tell you pretty much everything you need to know to potty train your dog. And if you’ve got a problem or question not addressed there, you can post and Stacy or myself will help you out.

Potty Training Consultation with Koinonia. This is ideal for people who want a professional to tell them, in detail, exactly what to do for their dog.


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