How We Train Matters

Here’s what’s important at Koinonia for living and learning with dogs


Reward-based training is more than just using treats.





What does all that mean?

I could say a lot about everything it means, but in short it means that my primary tactic for training dogs is to reward instead of punish.

Things I do as a reward-based trainer:

  • Identify what I want the dog to do

  • Motivate using rewards the dog finds valuable — typically food

  • Plan for the dog to succeed:

    • Break behavior down into baby steps

    • Make the right choice very easy

    • Remove the wrong choice as an option

    • Gradually increase distractions

  • Take responsibility for the dog’s failures/errors

  • Minimize emotional distress

Things I do not do as a reward-based trainer:

  • Bribe the dog

  • Chiefly deal with bad behavior by ignoring it

  • Assert dominance

  • Train using tools or techniques the dog wants to avoid (such as prong collars)

  • Intentionally provoke the bad behavior

  • Plan for the dog to fail

  • Correct the dog for his failures/errors