Muzzle Training, Stage 3: Duration

Muzzles are for good dogs, too!

This is the final installment of the Muzzle Training series. Make sure to check out the three posts!

Now that your dog is happy to see the muzzle, eagerly volunteers to put his nose inside, and comfortable with you buckling it, it’s time to increase the amount of time he wears it.

This is a gradual process. We’ve kept it fun for the dog thus far and that doesn’t change at this point.

Here are some different ideas for increasing duration:

(Make sure your dog knows how to do all of these without his muzzle on before you try them with the muzzle.)

  • Turns. With your dog on your left, step slightly back and turn 180 degrees to the right; immediately offer food by your left leg. The more you practice, the more your dog will closely follow as you turn away from him.

  • Position Changes. Can your dog Sit or Down with his muzzle on? Make sure to reward for each position change!

  • Straight Line Walking. Take a few steps away from your dog; offer food by your left leg. Gradually increase the number of steps and watch for your dog to follow you as you move away (versus waiting for the food to appear).

  • Any other easy behaviors your dog knows! In the video below, I use a front feet Station since that’s an easy, fun behavior for Sadie.

Bonus: Chin Rest

This is a fun little trick that also doubles as a great husbandry skill. If your dog knows how to rest his chin in your hand, lap or on an object, you can use that to help build duration in the muzzle. First, warm up by asking your dog to chin rest with duration. Then, bring out the muzzle and ask for the same behavior inside!

For more info on teaching a chin rest, check out this article by Enlightened Hounds in Austin, TX and this video by Laura Monaco Torelli.


"Help! My Dog Steals Stuff"


Muzzle Training, Stage 2: Buckling Up