Clicker Training 101


One of my favorite things about training is how it builds communication between dogs and people. Because of training, dogs respond to specific gestures or words! Clicker training is an easy way to develop that communication.

What’s a clicker?

A clicker is a little hand-held device that makes a short click sound when the button or tab is depressed.

Do I need a clicker to train my dog?

An actual clicker? No, not really.

A consistent sound to indicate your dog did the right thing? Yes!

This is called marker training and makes it possible to tell your dog exactly why he’s getting the treat.

Can’t I just say ‘Good Boy!’ when he does the right thing?

Verbal praise is a helpful tool, but it’s different than a marker. A marker is a consistent piece of information that tells the dog: 1) I like that specific thing you did, 2) please do it more often, 3) a reward is available.

"Good Boy” is a bit too clunky to function well as a marker. For the most efficient training, mark first and then tell him how good and smart he is!

Can’t I just feed a treat when he does the right thing?

It depends. Remember, the clicker is not about rewarding the dog, it’s about communicating which behavior got him the reward. For simple behaviors, you might get away without a clicker, but for more complex behaviors, the clicker is a must.

Imagine training a dolphin to jump up and touch a rubber buoy. Because the trainers cannot feed fish the moment the dolphin touches the buoy, it might be difficult to get him to repeat that exact behavior. Instead of jumping up, he might just hang out by the edge of the tank waiting for fish. The trainers need something to “mark” which behavior is actually making them feed fish —thus, the clicker!

If you need help training your dog, contact Koinonia!


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“Treats Don’t Work for My Dog!”